Takistan Life

Takistan Life is an roleplaying game mode built on ArmA 3

PhoenixRP History

PhoenixRP was founded many years ago by a group of guys who had far too many hours on Arma 3 RP. It became a popular destination for thousands of players around the world and focused on building the best roleplay experiences on Arma 3.

After many years of Arma 3, the time came to end that and with the end of Arma came the end of PhoenixRP, until now.

Why Takistan Life?

Our roots began many years ago on ArmA when we built one of the most popular roleplaying servers in the UK & Europe. This was a very similar server to what we are building today however with the end of life approaching for ArmA 3, we believe it is crucial to have the flexibility to be able to do things the way we want to do them, not he way the game dictates they have to be done. By being able to implement mods we can continually add new content without worrying about the potential performance impact which we experienced when building an unmodded Altis Life server.

What’s next?

If you’re interested in joining one of our factions on launch, register your interest on the below applications:


UN – United Nations

Gang Applications

Released On


Development status

In Development

Max Players



Project Lead

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