PlayerNova partners with PhoenixRP

PlayerNova is delighted to share that our upcoming project will be in partnership with PhoenixRP.

Bringing the PhoenixRP name back to the scene will help us in promoting and developing the next best roleplaying experiences across multiple games and platforms. PhoenixRP amassed well over 100,000 unique players across platforms along with having a hugely active player base across social and communication channels.

With this new partnership, we can confirm that PhoenixRP will first return with GTA FiveM. The server is currently in active development and we hope to be able to provide a release date soon. To keep in the loop on all updates regarding closed and open betas, join our official Discord server and follow our social channels below!

To view more information about PhoenixRP FiveM, click here.

With plenty other exciting titles on the horizon, I cannot wait to get to work on building the best content alongside our developers and partners.

All the best,
Kevin | Founder @ PlayerNova

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